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Working with Southern Baptist Church in Haiti

Peter Larison (Reston Bible Church, Sterling, VA), Ray Gabler (New Life Christian Church, Chantilly, VA), and I traveled to Canaan, Haiti, on April 1.

Canaan is just outside Port-au-Prince where the devastating 2010 earthquake claimed approximately 250,000 lives in 90 seconds. The destruction forced some 200,000 people to temporary housing outside the city. Many still live in homes of canvas tarp and sticks.

Southern Baptist volunteers built 3,000 concrete-block, earthquake-resistant homes in the ensuing months, as well as schools, orphanages, and churches in Canaan, and Centreville Baptist Church (Centreville, VA) invited MOV to conduct the first men’s conference there. Fifty-eight men ages 14 to 40 from the Confraternite Missionaire Baptiste D’Haiti and about 10 other churches heard Peter and me teach on who they are in Christ; how to study the Bible; and what it means to be a husband, father, and worker of valor. We also challenged them to stand together in life’s battles to leave a legacy of valor. Ray coordinated logistics.

Conference attendee Enock L. said, “You have changed my life. Please pray for me for God to show me what to do next!”

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