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Great Post-Conference Testimonies from Malawi!

MOV-Malawi team lead, Charles Mwase, works diligently to follow up his conferences, knowing those are just the first step, and discipleship and spiritual growth is ultimately what matters.

Recently he traveled to Salima, where he had conducted a conference in 2016, and interviewed some of the attendees. Below are excerpts from some of the great responses he received. This shows once again that active, engaged men help grow the church.

I have profited much in 2016 when we had a conference, I have been doing men’s discipleship group. I invited some men to come so that they can learn to how to make a composite manure. I saw some men came and I started to teach them, and by and by they were introduced to Christ. I urged them to have a small garden to grow vegetables, and men joined my church through this kind of activity.

Pastor Patrick M.

Through that conference I have benefited a lot. I started my church in 2016 with my family members. Now I have 9 men. Through these men of valor we have built a church, roofed with metal sheets.

Pastor Benard N.
Charles Mwase is on the left.

I learnt a lot from men of Valor and I have benefited so much. Since you came here my church has been growing rapidly. I had only five men in my church. To that conference of MOV in 2016 I came with two men. Now I have 43 men in my ministry. Church development is very easy and is going well. We had no church building but now we have a building through these men.

Pastor Nebat B.

First of all I want to thank the ministry of Men of Valor, because of the teaching that they brought in 2016. I didn’t know that I am a man of valor though I have been a pastor for a long time. My family was changed and became very strong. Now I also depend on myself for food by doing work with my own hands. In my church we had only 2 men and the work was difficult. Now we have 8 men in my church and are planting church branches in Chilabade, Zuwala, and Mlamba. My prayer is that this ministry should also reach to villages.

Pastor Mathew C.

Praise God!

In the course of those interviews Charles learned the pastors needed Bibles and notebooks for their own discipleship programs, and MOV was able to help him purchase 135 Bibles and 190 notebooks for distribution in June.

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