Men of Valor is excited to report about the tremendous, HUGE, ongoing impact our conferences have made!
While we start our ministry in each new region with a conference, the long-term goal is ongoing discipleship. Pastors and lay leaders who attend the conferences take the teaching back to their districts. They begin men’s activities and start men’s discipleship groups there, multiplying the ministry and creating an impact that spreads.
In Malawi, 826 men have come to Christ through the work of MOV. Many of these men are in need of Bibles to continue growing in their faith. Would you be able to help provide them?
Kasungu, Malawi: 2017
Pastor Charles Mwase and his MOV team conducted a conference in Kasungu, and 164 men attended. Charles was very happy with the conference and reported: “They received the teaching with humility. Not only that, they contributed more ideas in times of group discussions. On the ‘What Did God Say to Me?’ papers, they wrote much, which means they understood the teaching.”
In November 2020, Charles went back to Kasungu and met with 41 of the pastors and men who had attended to learn what impact it had.
Charles reported: “Some men who are married had not been loving their wives and their children. This means they were not even caring for their homes by providing enough food and clothing. Men have been helped much in how they should behave in their homes. The Man of Valor at Work and Five Roles of a Husband of Valor [teachings] has helped them to solve the family issues.
“With no doubt, the churches in Kasungu have grown. The activities like bao, football games, and other sports activities have helped much to attract men. Parties or feasts are another method that brings men together because men like eating. Once they are invited they don’t hesitate to come. But without activities, men are rarely to be found.
“The churches had not considered that these things [reaching men] can bring a change in their churches, families, and the community. The church had lost a lot of money by holding crusades, bringing big speakers, and booking musicians to sing. Those are not bad but they bring little success. But the strategy and vision of Men of Valor helps more. Churches are alive in Kasungu ‒ especially those whose men came to our conference in 2017.”
Most encouraging for us at MOV is that the pastors and men who launched men’s discipleship have seen their groups expand and new groups start. Their outreach led to Charles rejoicing,
“In Kasungu we have 597 new believers, and these men have come to Christ through M.O.V since 2017!”
In Kasungu, 597 men have come to Christ through Men of Valor since 2017!
We provided notebooks and Bibles for the men who attended the conference, but the impact has gone way beyond the conference, and Charles is asking for 180 more Bibles right now for some of the new believers.

Blantyre, Malawi: 2019
Charles also taught 150 men in Blantyre in early 2019, and conducted a follow-up meeting with 30 of the men in December 2020.
He wrote, “Blantyre received the word of God with a sincere heart, and the testimonies are amazing. When we called upon the pastors for the follow up, I saw men coming from far, including other districts like Mulanje and Ntcheu. This means the conference was beneficial to them.
“Many of the churches have adopted the teaching of Men of Valor. A pastor told me that he held a seminar at his church, attended by over 30 men. Many activities to attract men are taking place, and men have found out ways of bringing other men to God and then to church.
“The men from Blantyre are zealous for the work of God, and they have asked for 175 Chichewa Bibles and 300 MOV Notebooks to use with new believers. The men that have been brought to Christ here through the MOV Discipleship Groups are 229.”
229 men have been brought to Christ in Blantyre through the MOV Discipleship Groups.
Gifts from past years are still bearing fruit! Would you consider a gift for Bibles today?
Altogether, Charles is asking to purchase 355 Bibles for the new believing men in Kasungu and Blantyre. Chichewa Bibles in Malawi cost $10.22 each and along with transportation to these cities, overnight housing, and refreshments for a group gathering to hand out the Bibles, the total cost is $4,270.
Can you help? You can give online here, or mail a check to Men of Valor, PO Box 223793, Chantilly, VA, 20152.
We know the power of God’s Word as a living, active book that teaches, rebukes, corrects, and trains in righteousness. It doesn’t return void but accomplishes what God intends. What a great opportunity to impact men for Christ, and through them their families, churches, and communities in Malawi.