As we come to the end of the year and anticipate the Lord’s work in the New Year, we want to thank you for your clear ministry of prayer and giving in our lives and those of the men, marriages, families, churches, and communities that MOV has reached in 2023.
That you stand with us has been a huge factor in MOV’s success to date. Success that we attribute entirely to the Lord. As Pastor Bruce Campbell wrote in Living as a Man of Valor, “You are important … because if you do not pray, the provision is not provided.” Your prayers matter. Your prayers make a difference. Thank you.
While flexibility was key to this year, you enabled MOV conferences in Peru, Zambia, Malawi, Liberia, and Tanzania; men’s retreats/conferences in Pennsylvania, Kansas, and South Carolina; participation in a men’s conference and speaking in a Lion’s Club, a Bible study, and churches in Texas; a meeting with a missions team and Sunday School in South Carolina as well as in a mission conference in North Carolina; and meetings with leaders of two mission organizations in Georgia to discuss joint international projects. Your gifts enabled meetings with dozens of pastors, church leaders, and MOV supporters as well as provided hundreds of Bibles and study materials. Many men’s discipleship groups were started because of your help. On top of all that, MOV’s new book, Living as a Man of Valor – published in the spring and being used as a men’s study in multiple places – has received great reviews!
Thank you for your prayers and donations!
In addition to our travels and meetings, the members of the MOV Board of Directors, divided into world, US, and finance teams, spent hundreds of hours working on infrastructure, trips, and coordination with churches and missions.
But the rubber meets the road when the men are impacted. Here are a few of their comments:
I realized from your teachings that I need to be a responsible man, to do better by my family and be an example for them, especially with the word of God.
– J. Calsin, Peru
My church has formed a men’s team called “Men Without Limits” for all our church branches. We did this under the inspiration of Men of Valor, just after you left. Bless you, keep it up.
– B. Nyirenda, Zambia
Through this conference I now know that I should always use the Bible
to teach and I should not compromise.
– A. Jumbuya, Sierra Leone
Surprise Opportunities
While we plan conferences well into the future, through your generous giving, MOV has been able to react to conference or other speaking opportunities in relatively short periods of time under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. An example of that is Peru. The three conferences there in July kept evolving. Sometimes we had different numbers than expected, or taught a different number of days, or even had a different audience. But it was clear that God brings just the men He knows need to hear the messages and in whom they will have the most impact. Though the circumstances changed, all messages were well-received, and we continued to see how important prayer is for these conferences and their effect on the men.
Well, that was in July. But they wanted more, and they wanted it soon. So, though not originally on our calendar, MOV will send board members Peter and Ed back to Peru to conduct additional conferences in December or January.
Thank you for making that financially possible!

Surprise Obstacles
Political and other forces in the world sometimes affect planning. We’ve had to postpone Haiti multiple times because of unrest, and the same in India because of potential fallout from an election. Sometimes a national pastor planning a conference gets bogged down in other work or redirected and must delay. Things like this are going to happen, so we just adjust our planning and prepare for the conference at a later date, hopefully the next year.
The interesting thing is that sometimes delayed conferences bring more opportunities in that country than we might have had the first time. So our goal is to continue to have the financial and staffing capability to react quickly as events unfold.
Though we have learned to hold the scheduling loosely, as of now, US-based teams have potential conferences next year in India, Kenya, Nicaragua, Slovakia, Montenegro, and perhaps finally Haiti. Our African leaders hope to hold four conferences in Liberia, three conferences in Tanzania, and six conferences in Malawi and neighboring countries. We expect other conferences could come up at any time.

THANK YOU for your steady, interested participation in Men of Valor Intl. to raise up and disciple God’s men of valor around the world! We are particularly grateful to have you on our sending team.
We need your continued donations more than ever to be ready to answer the call whenever it comes – to travel in the US and around the world, to provide Bibles and notebooks to conference participants, and to help with conference costs in third-world countries. In addition, though God has blessed me with some monthly support, the full-time target is substantially unmet. MOV is committed to raising support to help me get to full-time.
To start 2024 strong, we are praying for $111,600 to cover the anticipated conferences and associated support. As you consider your year-end giving, could you pray about a generous gift to MOV for 2024 ministry?
Thank you again for all you’ve done and thank you again as well for praying to
reach and build men around the world to live as men of valor.

MOV believes it is the Lord’s timing for me to go full-time. Would you pray about joining our monthly support team? Earmark monthly support for me on your check or at