The MOV-Liberia Team at Work
Our MOV-Liberia team, led by Pastors William Tetteh and Darlington Gbah (photo below right), is very enthusiastic and dedicated in their efforts to take Men of Valor teachings to neighboring countries. They wrote, “We are rejoicing about the opportunities God is bringing! He is opening doors to reach the unreached men in difficult places in West Africa. Join us in giving God all the praise and honor!” Here are a few highlights:

Earlier this year, they held a conference in Kankore attended by over 75 men, including the town Chief. Twenty-four men gave their lives to Christ, and four men decided to pay their women’s dowries to formalize their marriages. This was MOV’s first-ever conference in Guinea and it was a transforming time for that village.
When the Liberia team returned to check on the ministry a few months later, the Guinea host took them to some of the men’s discipleship group leaders who shared great testimonies about the impact of the MOV’s teachings—more men in the churches, growing men’s discipleship groups (they brought additional Bibles), and men taking leadership roles in their churches, families, and communities.
The team traveled to Ghana in June, where conferences in Komenda and Ajumako were a great success. 88 church leaders and men from over 40 churches participated. “The discussions were interactive and fruitful.” The Komenda conference even united pastors and “mended a gap” in their pastoral council.
Twenty-one men’s discipleship groups were set up in the region (one of 16 regions in Ghana). The team challenged the pastors who took part in the conferences to be MOV ambassadors and spread the messages to men in other regions. The host pastors were happy to be able to use the remaining material resources to conduct conferences on their own.
In July, the Liberia team conducted conferences in Ouinhi and Pahou, also MOV’s first venture there! They referred to the conferences as “a transformative period of divine encounter, profound learning, and spiritual rejuvenation.”
100 men attended the Ouinhi conference. The sessions sparked deep reflections and spirited discussions among the attendees as they learned essential godly principles for reaching men and for men’s ministries. Many participants expressed a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper commitment to their calling. William told us, “They left with a burning desire to implement what they had learned and eager to transform their communities by raising up mighty men of valor.”
In Pahou, the conference drew about 125 men who experienced a profound shift in their understanding of godly principles. The conference challenged them to rethink their roles within their families and churches and to “embrace a more dynamic, impactful approach to ministry. The sessions fostered a spirit of unity and collaboration, encouraging participants to support one another in their spiritual journeys.”

What They Said
“Every man must prepare his family’s hearts for the Lord.”
-Samuel A., Guinea
“I have been able to discover my roles and duties as a leader.”
-Boye N., Guinea
“If men take up their position as men, they fulfill the will of God.”
-Abraham K., Guinea
“In this conference, God told me that I must turn away from my sins.”
-Harris W., Liberia
“I have learned that as a Man of Valor, change must begin with me.”
-Kefi M., Tanzania
“A man of valor lives a good legacy that has nothing to do with evil.”
-Browne A., Guinea
“I must stand up and take bold decisions for my family which will glorify God.”
-Jonathan B., Guinea
“I have learnt that change must take place in my family. To be a husband of valor I should love my wife and children. l am praying that I can learn to be loving to my family.”
-Fred T., Malawi
Please Pray
For the logistics for our conferences and meetings this fall in Mexico and Romania, and in West Virginia, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania.
For safety and good health for the MOV speakers around the world.
For more individuals and churches to catch the vision to reach men.
For much-needed monthly support for Brad & Mary Kay (select “Brad Smith Support” at or write “For Brad Smith Support” on the memo of your check to Men of Valor and mail to the address below).