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Full-Time MOV Director!

This is the 20th year of Men of Valor International—twenty years of volunteer service that was at first occasional, then part time, then half time.

During those years we built up a thriving, active board of directors; conducted multiple men’s events and conferences in 28 countries; passed out thousands of Bibles; developed team leaders in four countries; published the book Living as a Man of Valor, partnered with several mission agencies, taught at a seminary, and much more.

But now…

Now we have reached the point of having a full-time director! Thanks to your prayers and giving, by faith Brad went all in at the beginning of March. And what has changed? Enough time to add a United States focus—to help the many pastors and leaders right here in the US who also want Men of Valor conferences, help with men’s events and retreats, speakers for their men’s breakfasts and meetings, help with setting up leadership training, and advice on men’s ministry, etc.

This month, Brad has been traveling in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia. He spoke to men at a homeschool conference in TN and at a large men’s gathering, Man Cave, in Asheville, NC. He met with interested pastors and leaders from several churches and men’s ministries, the president of Bryan College, the CEO of World Media Group, and current supporters.

In addition, Brad is now able to put more effort into raising support for himself and the ministry. Thank you for being part of this great team! If you’re not one of our regular supporters, would you prayerfully consider joining our support team? Together we can make a difference in the lives of men around the world, and through them their families, churches, and communities.

What They Said

“These lessons have helped my family to be transformed spiritually up to the point that now we do love each other and my wife and I go to church together. I used to hit my wife but after I heard the truth that a husband of valor must protect his wife, I was challenged and now my family is so happy.

My church has also been helped because men of valor teachings have made me to be a reliable and dependable member in church and I have brought 8 men to church and have won 3 men to Christ.”
Steve E., Malawi

Please Pray

FOR: God’s preparation of men’s hearts and minds and clarity of teaching by our speakers in Mexico, Liberia, and Ghana these next few months.

FOR: U.S. churches to host MOV conferences overseas.

ABOUT: Joining Brad’s team of monthly support partners.

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