MOV is growing more than ever!
Why? As one pastor said, “Our men need more direction than ever before.”
- THERE IS A LOW PROPORTION OF MEN IN CHURCH. Around the world, only 10-25% of congregations are men.
- THERE IS DECAYING MORALITY. When men do not hear or obey the Word of God, isolation and sinful escapism fills the void, leading to fractured families, communities, and society.
- THERE IS A LACK OF PURPOSE. When Christian men are not discipled and do not practice godly behavior they languish and experience hopelessness—and so do those around them.
Consequently, church leaders in many countries, including the U.S., are asking for assistance in reaching men seeking direction, discipleship, friendship, and the Word of God.
And we’ve done a lot.
In 2024,
- 21 international conferences were led by trained national leaders – in Malawi, Tanzania, Liberia, Ghana, Guinea, Benin, Rwanda, and Uganda, and by U.S. teams in Peru, Mexico, and Romania. And, 2,425 men attended, 1,800 Bibles were given as needed, and 700 discipleship groups were launched!
- In the U.S., MOV conducted Men’s Ministry Strategy Workshops and Men’s Summits. As a result, robust men’s ministries have launched, many MOV resources were distributed!
But, MOV staff, volunteers, and resources are stretched thin.
Yet we must move forward!
We are MOVing Forward in 2025. Our objectives include adding trainers to conduct more conferences and train more pastors and church leaders, increase operational support, and engage more prayer warriors. Our goal is $174,000.
- Launch international Podcast
- Develop effective men’s discipleship ministry resources for U.S. churches
- Translate Living as a Man of Valor & create an audio version
Please help us meet the growing needs and requests. Please stand with MOV in prayer and financial partnership as we respond to these growing opportunities to assist the church.
We are MOVing Forward in 2025! Please join us!
I’m encouraged to be a real man of faith, worthy of one who has been chosen by God.
My family was transformed through the teachings of Men of Valor. These lessons helped us learn to love each other and now we go to church together.
– Malawi
All contributions to Men of Valor International are income tax deductible and are made with the understanding that Men of Valor International has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.